Chicken Meat, F83
Poultry meat is popular worldwide as a protein source with high nutritive value. Poultry meat allergy is rare, with worldwide prevalence ranging from 0-13%. Main route of exposure is reported to be oral (ingestion of meat) and secondary route of exposure includes inhalation (vapor during cooking) or skin contact. The allergy is triggered within 30 mins of exposure, and allergic reaction includes oral symptoms and moderate systemic reactions in skin and gastrointestinal tract including urticaria, angioedema, nausea, emesis, diarrhea, and asthma. Cardiovascular symptoms in case of severe anaphylaxis is rare. Diagnosis of poultry meat allergy can be done with IgE Test. An allergic patient should avoid the exposure to the poultry meat in order to prevent the trigger of allergic reaction.
- Postpone the process of testing immediately after paraclinical studies (roentgen, TC, MRI) and physiotherapy procedures. They can affect test results.
- We recommend avoiding physical activity prior to your examination.